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Image Editing

Portrait Illustrations in Adobe Illustrator

Comic images using the halftone filter

Surreal Collaging inspired by Jerry Uelsmann

Low Polygon designs

Layer Masking

Famous Faces

Magazine Edits

Text Masking in Photoshop

Text Masking in Photoshop

3D Shapes:
Students create various three dimensional objects using the 3D Revolve command in Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator Portraits:
Students create self portraits using the pencil and pen tools.  Lines are adjusted using the width tool and multiple patterns are created and set as fills.

Hidden Faces:
Students use multiple blend modes to superimpose faces onto various surfaces.

Exploding Images:
Students create splatter brushes and use layer masks and blur effects to create exploding images.

Text Masking:
Students use layer masks and adjustment layers to create beautiful typographic posters.

3D Pop:
Students use layer masks to hide & reveal various parts of their images creating a three-dimensional popping effect.

Text Portraits:

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