Graphic Design 1 Course Expectations
Westford Academy, in collaboration with home and community, provides a safe environment where high expectations advance academic excellence. We are committed to promoting integrity and critical thinking, while fostering tolerance and life-long learning in an ever-changing global society.
-WA Mission Statement
Course Description
• 556 - GRAPHIC DESIGN I CP1 (10-12th graders) 2.5
Prerequisite – Digital Art
Graphic Design 1 will provide students with an introduction to the exciting field of graphic design. Students will use and develop their knowledge of the elements and principles of design. Students will also use the Adobe Creative Cloud software programs to utilize the “design process” developed by professional designers. This course will emphasize design and its important role in the commercial world of business and marketing.
Required Supplies
Positive Attitude
Suggested Supplies
Flash Drive (USB/jump drive, to store and transmit files)
Course Expectations
Students will demonstrate respect for their classmates, their teacher, and the computer lab.
Students will come to class on time, with all necessary supplies, having completed all assignments, prepared to actively participate in class.
Students will keep and maintain a Graphic Design sketchbook/notebook. This will help to organize class notes, brainstorm ideas, and serve as a study guide for the quizzes, mid year and final exams.
Students will take responsibility for themselves and their learning.
Students will complete all assignments on time. Late assignments will be penalized 10 points per day late. (Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis.) A student with an excused absence due to illness will be granted an extension by default. If a student knows he/she will be absent because of a prior commitment, the assignment will be turned in the day before it is due.
Students will engage in appropriate use of the Internet only when instructed by the teacher.
Academic Honesty… please refer to WA’s Student Handbook. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be advised, many of the assignments will call upon students to use “stock photos” or images from the Internet within their designs. Students are required to cite any imagery that is not their own. The grade for the works cited page is often included in the project rubric (usually accounting for 10% of the overall project grade).
Audio devices, cell phones, headphones/ear buds are not allowed in class.
Food & drinks are not allowed in the computer lab.
Grade Assessment:
Participation & Attitude 10%
Class Work 30%
Projects 60%
Additional Lab Time:
The computer lab will be open every weekday morning from 7:15 – 7:35AM (unless otherwise noted).
The lab will also be open from 2-3PM on Wednesday afternoons.
Questions, Comments, Concerns? Please email me at mmcdonald@westfordk12.us